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이름 Rita 이메일 obwo1690i@hotmail.com
작성일 16.07.03 조회수 687
비밀번호 *
I’m not sure what my type is anymore because my answers fluctuate between I/ENFJ and I/ENFP. Also, I think the only reason why I like my job now is because I’m in control of the rest of my life, so getting a grip on work is now easier. But if I think of a new direction to go towards, I&7218#;ll dive right in. That I am certain of.
이전글 TtXVgbuqUF
다음글 qbCyWPEboZs
이름 비밀번호
* 왼쪽의 자동등록방지 코드를 입력하세요.